30 June 2015

Y4K at Palette CAD

Summer is at the door, just seems not sure if it wants to come in or not.  Regardless the BBQ season is well under way. It's almost impossible to go for a five minute walk without inhaling that incredible smell which brings instant joy, and jolts our brains into planning and imagination mode. Luckily for me, here at Palette CAD we have a number of meatatarians, and a phenomenal barbeque at our disposal.

It is getting really exciting, as we enter the era of 4K quality of Palette CAD materials. A few weeks ago we started updating our natural stone library and our GM personally took on a serious road trip to oversee the 4K photography project. The next natural stone update will be out in the summer, bringing with it tons of new UHD presentation possibilities.


We also gave our Stone+tec visitors a little preview of the upcoming update, as well as, a chance to see an early show version of Palette CAD 9. Total of 446 companies, from 31 countries, exhibited in Nuremberg with over 15,000 visitors. It really was a great show and in case you missed it, mark the next one directly into your calendars, Nuremberg Exhibition Centre from 24 to 27 May 2017.

Another absolute highlight was Ligna 2015, where we were one of 1567 exhibitors representing around 50 countries. This time the show was just shy of 100,000 visitors and some estimated 2.5 MILLION business contacts were made. Live demonstrations of furniture production in simulated factory settings were right on target for Ligna visitors, offering them a first-hand glimpse of the benefits of integrated manufacturing. On top of that, our visitors were also treated to the preview of the completely revamped wood engineering and 2D solutions coming this Autumn.

In the spirit of woodworking, above a little edited project from Alexander Schwarz. Results like this really inspire other projects, make the hard work worth while, and at the same time bring that long forgotten element of fun to everyday working tasks.

Now our focus turns to preparation for one of world's biggest tiling exhibitions, Cersaie 2015. It really is a spectacle each year and we hope to see as many of you there as possible. You've heard it here first, Palette CAD 9 will be presented!

Enough from me, get your sunscreen on and enjoy the weather.

Greeting from sunny Stuttgart,
Your Palette CAD Blog Team

17 June 2015

Tip of the month! June: Dimensioning

The regular football season is now over, and for those of us that don't do so well without being able to see a bunch of people kicking a ball around, there is the women's world cup, currently taking place in one of my favourite countries. For the rest of you here is another useful feature from Palette CAD to put to good use.

Very easy to use, simply choose the view you wish to have the measurements appear in, then go to the "Insert" tab and select "Dimensioning". A new window will pop up with all sort of options to play with.

 For my example below I just used the "Architectural" option. By selecting start Palette CAD automatically displayed walls, doors and windows dimensions.

Under dimensioning style I also increased the size of the font so that it is easier to see. Now have a go yourselves and have a good play with it. Nothing the "Undo" feature cannot fix!

Greeting from Stuttgart,
Your Palette CAD Blog Team