17 June 2016

Tip of the month! June: Shopping basket feature

This month we bring you a very cool feature that has probably not been given the recognition it deserves. It also just happened to be my wife's favorite feature in our software, until I explained it in a little more detail and a realisation set in that it had no direct link to Internet retail.

Still for most interior designers it is a phenomenal time saver, as it allows a whole list of objects, such your favourite plants, for example, to be saved in one list, which you can then import into any design. No more searching necessary.

This little gem can be found under the "Design" tab. Simply click on the symbol and "Shopping basket" menu located on the right side of your screen will open.

To fill it with your own best-sellers simply open the object broswer "O" (or select "Object catalogues") and follow one of the two following options.

Option one: Find your desired object in the browser, right-click on it and select "Into the shopping basket".

Option two:  Follow the same steps as above but instead right-clicking, select your desired object by left-clicking on it once (this will highlight the object in blue) and then simply press the "+" symbol on your keyboard. 

Both options produce the same results. Far too easy! When done, just close the object catalogue browser. Now you can save your virtual goodies for future use. Under the shopping basket menu you can find the classic save symbol. Next to it is also the file symbol, which you can use in the future to find and open your saved objects. 

Objects from the shopping basket can be inserted into designs just like by using the catalogue browser, drag and drop or double-clicking on them. Once used they will disappear out of your basket, but worry not, if you wish to use the same object multiple times in one design, just use the copy feature.

Inspiration complete, now over to you to put to good us and show us what you got. Have fun and enjoy.

Greeting from Stuttgart,
Your Palette CAD Blog Team