21 October 2015

Tip of the month! October: Right-click menus

We have ourselves quite a special occasion today. More than 25 years ago "Back to the future part 2" was released. For those of you that haven't seen the movie or forgot since, the time travel date is today, 21st October 2015. Feeling old yet?

With above taken into consideration this months TOTM background was easy to pick. The tip itself is also very cool, and will surely make it easier for our new users to get to grips with planning with Palette CAD. Sometimes all the tabs, menus and features can be overwhelming or difficult to find. It is exactly with this in mind that we designed these context menus. There are three possible versions.

First is a design specific menu. It is activated by pressing down on the right button of your mouse when no objects are selected (Axonometric, Plan, Front views only). General operations such Undo, Zoom or Construction Plane can be found here.

Second menu is object specific. Works exactly the same as above, but, this time, beforehand, select an object (Axonometric, Plan, Front views only). This context menu includes an extensive list of operations such as Move, Rotate and Cut.

Third menu is just for the Perspective view as the context menu focuses mainly on presentation features. It lists operations such as Walk, Camera lift and Background.

There it is, now just put the knowledge to good use and get creative. Above is my little bit of imagination brought to life. Have fun!

Happy Back to the future day,
Your Palette CAD Blog Team