Well, all that talk of spring fever last month might have
been a little ahead of time, seeing as already this month it feels like we’ve
jumped back into the ice age one week and then ready for summer picnics the
next. The weather is changing quicker than outfits at the Milan fashion show
and this flu going around is really pushing the limits of most businesses. It
seems it would be less time consuming for employers to collect “Fit for work
notes” rather than doctors sick notes. That’s one to look into perhaps, but
onto our current affairs.
This month has seen our programming department very busy
with Palette CAD 8 translations. As a result many of our international partners
got their hands on test versions in their own languages. So far the feedback
has been very good and we are in the 2nd stage of testing, having
recently updated the translated content. Here below you can see a screen shot
of my computer featuring then, the very first non-German version of Palette CAD
8. Privileged!
As the hype surrounding the release grows, you can find more
info at our homepage, on your countries respective pages. Here is a little
teaser English video of version 8. We will also be looking to expand our
YouTube libraries in other languages but you can still see the version 8 in action,
in German momentarily , at http://www.youtube.com/user/palettecadkanal?feature=results_main.
This month also saw us represented with two stands at ISH in
Frankfurt, between 10th and 14th of March. The ISH
provides the world’s biggest showcase for innovative bathroom design, energy
efficient heating and air-conditioning technology and renewable energies.
its focus on conservation of resources and sustainability, 27th ISH
show was all about dealing efficiently with the two resources, energy and
water. There were 2434 exhibitors present and over 190,000 visitors checking out the latest in innovation.
We ourselves were at forefront of pioneering with Palette 8
in German, English and in Dutch, but what’s more we showed off the world first
CAD 3D virtual reality possibilities. This was in cooperation with ImmerSight,
company that has made it possible to step into your Palette CAD plans and
experience the CAD world in a whole new dimension. The idea behind the
cooperation is that, in Palette CAD 8 you can create your plans, and then using
the Palette Play export feature, you can step into your plan using ImmerSight,
For more details visit their website at http://www.immersight.de/en/.
Underneath you can see yours truly trying to unearth the mysteries of Palette
CAD / ImmerSight version of the Matrix.
To see more from our ISH adventure, and keep up to date,
check out and join our International Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/groups/164040557075439/.
Finally, I would like to thank our new colleague Daan Spork,
from Pallete CAD Holland, for enduring the weather and coming to ISH to
represent. Respect.
Right, that’s enough from me for another month, I wish you
all a very joyful Easter!
Greeting from Stuttgart,
Your Palette CAD-Blog Team